Attention the countdown is already running III
Will we find out the truth soon?
The third volume in the series “Caution, the countdown is already running” deals intensively with the human psyche and human existence as such. Most of the “actions” described in this area are classified as “science fiction”. It is completely overlooked that the world is already in a “science fiction state”. Wormholes and contacts with other dimensions have long since ceased to be fantasies, but have been tried and tested practices.
But there are no longer any limits for human control either, those that are currently in place
Technology exerted on the population. The only delay now lies in the applicability. So total control is no longer a nightmarish phantom.
If you follow Albert Einstein’s traditional terms If space, time, matter-energy are relativized and, according to Max Planck, subjected to a quantum-physical critique, then one gets to the primary meaning of human consciousness or the spirit and their conceivable expansion into one
non-local-informational-relatedness referred. So the key to understanding mind control is understanding the possibilities of life itself and that is perhaps the salvation for the people of this planet. It is a challenge for us, ourselves and our fellow human beings to free ourselves from all the different types of mind control that currently shape and influence our lives (television, advertising, schooling, religious indoctrination, political correctness, …). We have it in our own hands, because at one end there is the psychologically conditioned animal, the human being, who is reduced in his intellect and at the other end of the range of possibilities open to mankind there are no restrictions.
Although it may be a controversial opinion, I believe that the development possibilities of the People are limitless as soon as they are increasingly liberated from limiting beliefs and deceptions. Because all this content ultimately tells them that they are unfortunate beings who must carry out the controllers’ wishes.
Technology can indeed be used to destroy the limits of human freedom, but the other part of the challenge is the use of technology for the work of liberation.
Alessandro de Poloni
The constitutional lie
Did Chancellor Merkel work for the MfS during her time in the GDR?
What is SARS-CoV-2 really?
A virus variant pathogenic to humans or a large-scale fraud?
How many people have really died of COVID-19 in Germany so far?
Merkel regime conceals the facts: lockdown until the end of April 2021 is already Done deal
Enslaved brains or conscious being
Deceived ?
Source reference
- The Federal Constitutional Court confirms: The German Reich exists alongside the FRG.
- Occupation rights still apply in the FRG.
- What did the Chancellor have with her when she was in the GDR to do with the Stasi?
- 2020 neutral chip implant tested on prisoners without their knowledge.
- Consciousness chip implanted in unsuspecting patients through a nostril.
- Optogenetics (this is where genetically modified cells in the brain are controlled remotely using light signals).
- Scientists can already simulate out-of-body experience.
- Virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR) tested on unsuspecting soldiers.
- Entropy is never lost.
- In how many dimensions do we live?
- Prof. Michael A. Persinger and Operation Black Beauty.
- Purple, electromagnetic cloud shape sighted over CERN.
- Scientists are building a magnetic wormhole.
- S.P.R. (Society for Psychical Research) establish contact with another dimension via a TDC receiver.
- Strange skeletons and skulls found.
- Scientists establish: The human brain is a hologram.
- Everyone lives in his “own” universe.
- John 8, 31-32: The truth will make you free.
Date of publication: December 06, 2022
Date of publication: AMAZON March 08, 2021
Product details
- Page number : 222
- Execution : Softcover flap brochure
- Release date : December 06, 2022
- ISBN : 978-3-948852-03-0
- Printing and binding : werk zwei Print + Medien Konstanz GmbH
- Price : 14,90 €
- E-book : Also available as an e-book
- Page number print : 222
- Execution : E-Book
- Release date : AMAZON: March 8, 2021
- EAN : 9783948852139
- ASIN (Kindle) : BO8XB9J8DX
- Editor : Contact Create GmbH
- Price : 7,99 €
- Paperback : Also available as a paperback
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