By Cosima Kast
New release of the long-awaited print “Attention the countdown is already running III” on 06.12.2022 confirmed
We would like to apologize to all fans and our partners for the long waiting time. At the same time, we also thank you for understanding the circumstances. We are all the more pleased about the new cooperation with the print shop werk zwei Print + Medien Konstanz GmbH and are now proud as punch to present the new publication of the third volume of the trilogy on December 6, 2022.
The work is already in print and it is very exciting and thrilling to be part of it! We thank the team very much for this experience!
Little info:
Now the print follows the e-book, which is already available on Amazon since March 2021. Unlike Amazon, tolino media suddenly refrained from publishing this volume as an e-book with the well-known online booksellers about 2 years ago. On the other hand, volume 1 and volume 2 have long been uploaded on their platform without complaint and now the completion of the trilogy was denied by tolino, because related to current T&C changes 2021, tolino media censored just like that the e-book volume 3 because of political content and apparent elements of conspiracy theory. Thus the reasoning. This is new and still incomprehensible for us.